O'Shields Fine Art Daily Paintings
Daily Paintings Original Oils, Pastels en plein air, International Seascapes..Inspired by travel
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Big Sur Seascape Oil Highway One California by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Big Sur, California Seascape Highway One - Ventana II
Seascape Oil Painting on Linen 24 x 36
Sold but commission available to recreate other Big Sur Oil Paintings
Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
painted en plein air
Highway One is one of the most beautiful drives in the world. Every turn is a painting waiting to be created.
Mahalo for visiting…
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382
or by emailing OshieldsFineArt@gmail.com
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost. Pricing reflects unframed canvas.
Bahamas Out Island Inagua Lighthouse Matthew Town Great Inagua
Bahamas Out Island Inagua Lighthouse Matthew Town Great Inagua
en plein air pastel
16 x 20 inches
Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
One of many locations we vist with our Bahamas and Carribean workshops
Inagua Lighthouse was built in 1870, one of three remaining and still operational - hand wound, kerosene burning lighthouses, 120 feet tall - in the Bahamas. see http://www.bahamas.com/out-islands/inagua for more inforamtion on Bahamas Out Islands.
Inagua is a Birder's Paradise, home of the a colony of West Indian Flamingos and over 140 species of resident and migratory birds.
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ tropical seascapes
Studio 704.394.7382
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Bahamas, Abaco, Elbow Key, Hopetown Lighthouse Pastel by Phyllis O'Shields
Abaco, Hopetown, Elbow Key Bahamas Lighthouse
Original Pastel
By Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
20 x 16 inches image size
Painted en plein air
Studio 704.374.1695poshields@oshieldsfineart.com
Original Pastel
By Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
20 x 16 inches image size
Painted en plein air
Studio 704.374.1695poshields@oshieldsfineart.com
Elbow Key,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Bahamas Passage by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
by Phyllis O'Shields Artist, Contemporary Impressionism
by Phyllis O'Shields Artist, Contemporary Impressionism
Oil on Canvas 16 x 20 x .5 museum wrapped canvas painted around edges
This plein air painting was done early one spring morning in the Bahamas, it could have been painted on any of the islands. The morning's brief rain had just cooled off the air and one could still smell the rain.
Although a small painting 16 x 20 this will be used as a study for a larger painting.
One can only believe the clear light blues and greens of the water by being there to experience it. I hold painting workshops in the Bahamas twice a year. Presently I am taking request for inclusion in the November Artist Painting Workshop held in Nassau, Bahamas. The workshop will include pastels and oils painted en plein air over 5 days.
For more information on the Bahamas, Nassau and the Out Islands please visit: Bahamas
Mahalo for Visiting..............
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost. Available US$600.00
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding her available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382
or by emailing her at OshieldsFineArt@gmail.com
Skype: p.o.oshields.jones
To Purchase or view additional paintings please visit http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Hawiian Dreams Oil Seascape Phyllis O'Shields contemporary impressionism
Oil Painting 11 x 14 inches
Study for a large painting 24 x 36 inchesMuseum Wrapped Canvas painted around edges
Hawaiian Dreams
Phyllis O'Shields Hawaiian Artist Painted en plein air early morning
Mahalo for visiting…..
Email at OshieldsFineArt@gmail.com
World Fax 866.433.8816 Skype: p.o.oshields.jones
en plein air,
Hawaiian Artist,
palm trees,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Friday, November 18, 2011
Florida Everglades Evening Solice Oil Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Florida Everglades Evening Solice
24 x 36 Original Oil on Canvas -
Gallery Wrapped Canvas painted around edges
copyright 2010 POShields
Evening approaching in the Everglades is one of the most peaceful times of the day. Birds rush about catching the last rays of sun or their last evening meal.
The Everglades sky changes colours constantly as the light filters through the last clouds left over for the day after the daily afternoon rain. Early morning or late afternoon are my favorite times to paint in the Everglades. This oil painting required many layers of glazes to achieve the glowing tones of colour present. I love painting the Everglades and all Marsh Eco Systems with wide open vistas, there is a feeling that you can see forever.
These fragile systems are critical to preserve in their natural state for all wildlife.
Mahalo for Visiting..............
The Everglades sky changes colours constantly as the light filters through the last clouds left over for the day after the daily afternoon rain. Early morning or late afternoon are my favorite times to paint in the Everglades. This oil painting required many layers of glazes to achieve the glowing tones of colour present. I love painting the Everglades and all Marsh Eco Systems with wide open vistas, there is a feeling that you can see forever.
These fragile systems are critical to preserve in their natural state for all wildlife.
Mahalo for Visiting..............
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding her available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382
or by emailing her at POshields@OshieldsFineArt.com
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Key West Palm Pastel Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Gulf Coast Seafood
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean
Pastel Study - Key West Palm Illustration for Cookbook of Key West memories
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
Today will continue a series of posting of illustrations that will be used in an illustrated book of Gulf Coast Memories and especially the foods of the Gulf Coast, South Florida, Keys, and the Caribbean that I grew up living in and eating and cooking.
These illustrations in pastel, cover memories from New Orleans, Florida Pan Handle, South Florida, Florida Keys, South Carolina Low Country and the Caribbean.
These are areas are rich in tradition and in receipes handed down for generations.
I have many delightful memories of sitting on the beach or in the back yard looking up at palms everywhere a backdrop for friends and family.
Thank you for viewing Phyllis O'Shields Artist
704.394.7392 Studio
Monday, October 3, 2011
Gulf Coast and Caribbean Seafood Crab pastel Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Gulf Coast Seafood
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean
Pastel Study Crab Boil Feast
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
Today will continue a series of posting of illustrations that will be used in an illustrated book of Gulf Coast Memories and especially the foods of the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean that I grew up eating and cooking.
These illustrations in pastel, cover memories from New Orleans, Florida Pan Handle, South Florida, Florida Keys, South Carolina Low Country and the Caribbean.
These are areas are rich in tradition and in receipes handed down for generations.
I have many delightful memories of sitting on the beach or in the back yard having a "Crab Boil" with friends and family.
Everyone knows that the famous "Joe's Stone Crabs" are the most celebrated crabs, delicate and delicious a real tradition during the winter holidays. http://www.joesstonecrab.com/ click here to see his recipes and our traditions of dining in Miami Beach.
http://www.crabs.com/ another great place in South Florida for enjoying delicious Crabs
Thank you for viewing Phyllis O'Shields Artist
Friday, September 30, 2011
Key West Pinks Gulf Coast and Caribbean Seafood Phyllis O'Shields Pastel Artist
Gulf Coast Seafood
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean
Pastel Study Key West Pinks
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
Today will continue a series of posting of illustrations that will be used in an illustrated book of Gulf Coast Memories and especially the foods of the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean that I grew up eating and cooking.
These illustrations in pastel, cover memories from New Orleans, Florida Pan Handle, South Florida, Florida Keys, South Carolina Low Country and the Caribbean.
These are areas are rich in tradition and in receipes handed down for generations.
Many delightful memories of sitting on the beach or in the back yard peeling "Key West Pinks".
Everyone knows that the famous "Key West Pinks" are the most celebrated shrimp, delicate and delicious a real tradition during the winter holidays.
(for more information on "Key West Pinks"
Order Fresh Shrimp here.
Thank you for viewing Phyllis O'Shields Artist
florida seafood,
Key West,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Gulf Coast and Caribbean Seafood Lobster pastel Phyllis O'Shields
Gulf Coast Seafood
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the CaribbeanPastel Study Lobster
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 704.394.7382 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Today will begin a series of posting of illustrations that will be used in an illustrated book of Gulf Coast Memories and especially the foods of the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean that I grew up eating and cooking.
These illustrations in pastel, cover memories from New Orleans, Florida Pan Handle, South Florida, South Carolina Low Country, the Caribbean.
These are areas are rich in tradition and in receipes handed down for generations.Thank you for viewing Phyllis O'Shields
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Coastal Gulf Coast and Caribbean Seafood pastel Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Gulf Coast Seafood
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the CaribbeanPastel Study Crayfish
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
Today will begin a series of posting of illustrations that will be used in an illustrated book of Gulf Coast Memories and especially the foods of the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean that I grew up eating and cooking.
These illustrations in pastel, cover memories from New Orleans, Florida Pan Handle, South Florida, South Carolina Low Country, the Caribbean. These are areas are rich in tradition and in receipes handed down for generations.
Thank you for viewing Phyllis O'Shields
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Coastal Gulf Coast and Caribbean Seafood pastel Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Gulf Coast Seafood
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean
Pastel Study
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
Today will begin a series of posting of illustrations that will be used in an illustrated book of Gulf Coast Memories and especially the foods of the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean that I grew up eating and cooking.
These illustrations in pastel, cover memories from New Orleans, Florida Pan Handle, South Florida, South Carolina Low Country, the Caribbean. These are areas are rich in tradition and in receipes handed down for generations.
Thank you for viewing Phyllis O'Shields
Friday, August 26, 2011
Gulf Coast Seafood Pastel Coastal Seafood Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Gulf Coast Seafood
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean
Seafood from the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean
Pastel Study
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
Today will begin a series of posting of illustrations that will be used in an illustrated book of Gulf Coast Memories and especially the foods of the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean that I grew up eating and cooking.
These illustrations in pastel, cover memories from New Orleans, Florida Pan Handle, South Florida, South Carolina Low Country, the Caribbean. These are areas are rich in tradition and in receipes handed down for generations.
Thank you for viewing Phyllis O'Shields
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hawaii Seascape Beach Oil Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Hawaii Seascape Beach
A private Hawaiian Beach tucked away, everyone who lives in Hawaii has one special spot. This is mine.
I always discover something beneath the surface In Hawaii , emotions tied to the subject matter are an elusive part of art. Every viewer will in their own personal context recreate this special emotion making the painting their own experience
Oil Painting 11 x 14 inches. painted en plein air, study for a larger painting
Mahalo for Visiting..............
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ tropical seascapes
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding her available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382or by emailing poshields@oshieldsfineart.com
Skype: p.o.oshields.jones
en plein air,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Koi in Hawaii Pastel Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Koi are the Image of Serenity and Peace. "
Pastel painted en plein air Oahu, Hawaii
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ please visit for more Koi images
Studio 704.394.7382
Pastel painted en plein air Oahu, Hawaii
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ please visit for more Koi images
Studio 704.394.7382
The history of Koi is as mysterious as they are beautiful. Popular conviction would have us believe that Koi are indigenous to Japan. In fact, they are even mistakenly called “Japanese Goldfish” They are actually from the Carp family.
Koi are believed to originate from eastern Asia, in the Black, Caspian, Aral Seas and China. Carp fossils have been discovered in South China dating as far back as 20 million years ago. Some varieties are known for their hardiness, which records claim can live for long periods of time if simply wrapped in wet moss continuously kept damp.
The earliest written records of Koi, or Nishikigoi, (Japanese for "brocaded" carp) were first described in writing from a Chinese book written during the Western Chin Dynasty, around 265-316 A.D. At that time they were described as white, red, black and blue.
I hope you enjoy these images of Koi. I paint them en plein air from beautiful ponds in Hawaii.
Phyllis OShields Pastel Artist
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Outer Banks North Carolina Pastel en plein air Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Outer Banks North Carolina Storm Approaching
Pastel En Plein Air
16 x 20 inches
Phyllis O'Shields, Beaches, Seascapes, Contemporary Impressionism
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ tropical seascapes
Studio 704.394.7382
en plein,
North Carolina,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Sand Dunes,
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Seashells of the World Audubon Collection Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
SeaShells of the World Series for Audubon Collection
Watercolor and Pastel
Phyllis O'Shields Seashell Artist
Seashell Note Cards and Prints
Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382Conch Shells, StarFish, Nautilus Shells, Sanibel Island Shells, Top Shells and many more
Caribbean SeaShells, Florida SeaShells, Hawaii SeaShells. California Seashells
My Third Audubon Seashell Collection
These card size paintings in pastel and watercolour are being used as another card series for Audubon Stores, this is the third series I have created for them. The backs of the cards have a complete description of the shell and its habitat.
My sea shell cards are sold in book stores, gift shops and stores through the South East, Caribbean and Hawaii.
Many people frame the cards as they are on a very heavy gloss paper stock, archival, suitable for framing.
Most of these shells in the collection are found in the Caribbean, Florida & East Coast, California and Hawaii.
A wonderful place to look up your favorite beautiful shell http://www.blogger.com/goog_1499547105
Everyone loves sea shells and has special memories of a vacation spent at the beach. I look forward to hearing from all seashell collectors. Please drop me an email and share with me your collection. I have been a devoted seashell collector for many years.
These are available in cards for sell and small glicee prints on my web store.
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Monday, August 1, 2011
Seashells of the World Audubon Collection Pastel Watercolor Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
SeaShells of the World Series for Audubon Collection
Watercolor and Pastel
Phyllis O'Shields Seashell Artist
Seashell Note Cards and Prints
Seashell Note Cards and Prints
Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
Conch Shells, StarFish, Nautilus Shells, Sanibel Island Shells, Top Shells and many more
Caribbean SeaShells, Florida SeaShells, Hawaii SeaShells. California Seashells
Caribbean SeaShells, Florida SeaShells, Hawaii SeaShells. California Seashells
My Third Audubon Seashell Collection
These card size paintings in pastel and watercolour are being used as another card series for Audubon Stores, this is the third series I have created for them. The backs of the cards have a complete description of the shell and its habitat.
My sea shell cards are in book stores, gift shops and stores through the South East, Caribbean and Hawaii.
Many people frame the cards as they are on a very heavy gloss paper stock, archival, suitable for framing.
A wonderful place to look up your favorite beautiful shell http://www.blogger.com/goog_1499547105
Everyone loves sea shells and has special memories of a vacation spent at the beach. I look forward to hearing from all seashell collectors. Please drop me an email and share with me your collection.
These are available in cards for sell and small glicee prints on my web store.
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Seashells Audubon Collection Pastel Watercolor Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Sea Shells Series for Audubon Collection
Watercolor and Pastel
Phyllis O'Shields Seashell Artist
Contemporary Impressionism
Studio 704.394.7382
My Third Audubon Seashell Collection
These card size paintings in pastel and watercolour are being used as a card series for Audubon Stores, this is the third series I have created for them. The backs of the cards have a complete description of the shell and its habitat.
Most of these shells in the collection are found in the Caribbean, Florida & East Coast, California and Hawaii.
A wonderful place to look up your favorite beautiful shell http://www.blogger.com/goog_1499547105
Everyone loves sea shells and has special memories of a vacation spent at the beach. I look forward to hearing from all seashell collectors. Please drop me an email and share with me your collection.
These are available in cards for sell and small glicee prints on my web store.
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Phyllis O'Shields
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuscany Sunflower Studies Series Pastel Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Tuscany Sunflower Series VII
Pastel 12 x 16 without mat
Canson Mi-Teintes
Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
copyright 2011 PO'Shields
My Inspiration: Last of Summer Sunflowers on the back roads of Tuscany.
When visiting Tuscany each year I paint Sunflowers, Lavender and Olive Trees.
Each Tuscan Sunflower is different with it's own personality, thus I usually sketch en plein air
Each Tuscan Sunflower is different with it's own personality, thus I usually sketch en plein air
the one that jumps out at me.
There is nothing more beautiful than the Tuscan fields of golden sunflowers surrounding a golden rustic house with a terra cotta roof.
These are views that I use in large paintings, but for the sketching en plein air there is always one sunflower among the many that calls out to be drawn.
I will be posting over the next few weeks series of these plein air sketches.
These are views that I use in large paintings, but for the sketching en plein air there is always one sunflower among the many that calls out to be drawn.
I will be posting over the next few weeks series of these plein air sketches.
For more information on this painting please visit http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ click into the European Collection
Phyllis O'Shields Artist , Contemporary Impressionism
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding the purchase prices her available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382 or by emailing her at http://www.blogger.com/goog_499861589
Skype: p.o.oshields.jones
en plein air,
Florida Artist,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Bahamas Out Island view to a Distant Shore Pastel Study Phyllis O'Shields Caribbean Artist
Bahamas Out Island View to a Distant Shore
Pastel Study painted en plein air
16 x 20 inches
Phyllis O'Shields Caribbean Artist
This was an initial study done before the Oil Painting 24 x 36 both were painted en plein air, although the oil canvas did require some studio finishing.
http://www.osheildsfineart.com/ Tropical Seascapes
Studio 704-394-7382
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Bahamas Pastel Painted En Plein Air Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Bahamas Summer Days
pastels painted en plein air
pastels painted en plein air
16 x 20 inches
Studio 704.394.7382
Studio 704.394.7382
Phyllis O'Shields,
Key West Hanging Out Summer Day Oil Phyllis O'Shields Contemporary Impressionism
Key West Hanging Out
Oil on Canvas pinted en plein air
16 x 20 Museum wrapped canvas painted around edges
Key West on a clear day, early morning invites one to just hang out and enjoy the view. This was painted en plein air on such a morning. Of coarse I sat down and enjoying the breezes after the painting was finished.
You may reach P. O'Shields regarding information on this painting or pricing of her available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382 or by emailing OshieldsFineArt@gmail.com
http://oshieldsfineart.blogspot.com/ http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ Tropical Seascapes
en plein air,
Key West,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Bahamas Out Island Oil Seascape by Phyllis O'Shields artist contemporary impressionism
Bahamas Out Island Distant Shore
oil 24 x 36 inches on canvas
Phyllis O'Shields Artist O'Shields Fine Art
Contemporary Impressionism
www.oshieldsfineart.com Tropical Seascapes
Studio 704.394.7382
http://oshieldsfineart.blogspot.com for viewing more paintings
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Big Sur California Monterey Highway One oil seascape by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Big Sur Highway One California Seascape
Oil 24 x 36 inches on Linen Canvas
en plein air
by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
this photo follows yesterdays post showing same painting framed
If you are interested in this seascape oil painting of Big Sur Highway One
Big Sur,
Highway One,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Friday, July 15, 2011
Big Sur California Highway One Oil by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Big Sur California Highway One
Original Oil on Linen Canvas 24 x 36 inches
Original Oil on Linen Canvas 24 x 36 inches
by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
en plein air
for more details please visit www.oshieldsfineart.com
Monterey, California Collection
Studio 704.394.7382
for more details please visit www.oshieldsfineart.com
Monterey, California Collection
Studio 704.394.7382
Highway One is surely one of the most beautiful magical places on this earth.
Every turn is a painting waiting to be created. I had the good fortune to live on 17 Mile Drive on the ocean and every day I painted the surrounding area without beginning to record all of the beauty there. Changing landscape due to fog early morning and late afternoon was a constant challenge. I love the fog and the sun in this area.
Please visit http://www.seemonterey.com/big-sur-california to enjoy more views of the California coast.
Every turn is a painting waiting to be created. I had the good fortune to live on 17 Mile Drive on the ocean and every day I painted the surrounding area without beginning to record all of the beauty there. Changing landscape due to fog early morning and late afternoon was a constant challenge. I love the fog and the sun in this area.
Please visit http://www.seemonterey.com/big-sur-california to enjoy more views of the California coast.
Big Sur,
Highway One,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Panama City Beach III Gulf Coast Series Oil by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Panama City Beach III Gulf Coast Florida
Oil Painting on Museum Wrapped Canvas 16 x 20 inches
Tropical Seascape & Dunes Series
(can be framed or left unframed, painting extends around edges)
Painted en plein air
Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Paintings in this Panama City, Florida Dunes Series are the first of three for larger paintings. You can see the sea oats, dunes fences and sugar white sand. The most beautiful white sugar sand is in this area of beaches.
These are common beach paths used for many years. Over the years the dunes in this particular area have become much smaller. I will be adding paintings of beach areas where the dunes are very large later. I was born and grew up in this area of beaches and have a love for the Gulf Coast area that still influences me today. I hold yearly workshops along this beach area and we have great fun painting en plein air.
Development along this coast has destroyed much of the beach so it is really important to capture in paint the beaches as they are today and yesterday. I spent most of my childhood here on this beach. My love for tropical settings and colours was initially inspired along this coast.
http://www.placesaroundflorida.com/Florida_Beaches/Panhandle_Beaches/ for views of beautiful Panhandle Beaches of northwest Florida.
Mahalo for visiting...
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost.
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding available artworks at the studio 704.394.7382 or by emailing oshieldsFineArt@gmail.com
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ tropical seascapes
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tahiti Sunset Seascape Oil by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Oil Painting on Linen Canvas 24 x 36
by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Painted partially en plein air
Tahiti is a mystical place at all times of day. The colours change constantly, the intensity and brightness of the colour is very difficult to believe when translated to canvas. I look forward to many more paintings of Tahiti capturing the mountains and water at different times of day. Truly a paradise.
Mahalo for visiting…
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding available artworks at the Studio 704.394.7382
or by emailing OshieldsFineArt@gmail.com
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ Tropical Seascapes -m please visit for purchase or viewing other paintings
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost.
Skype: p.o.oshields.jones
Phyllis O'Shields,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tahiti Sunset Oil by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
by Phyllis O'Shields Artist Contemporary Impressionism
Painted partially en plein air
Painted partially en plein air
Tahiti is a mystical place at all times of day. The colours change constantly, the intensity and brightness of the colour is very difficult to believe when translated to canvas. I look forward to many more paintings of Tahiti capturing the mountains and water at different times of day. Truly a paradise.
Mahalo for visiting…
You may reach P. O’Shields regarding available artworks at the Studio 704.394.7382
or by emailing OshieldsFineArt@gmail.com
http://www.oshieldsfineart.com/ Tropical Seascapes -m please visit for purchase or viewing other paintings
Price includes professional packing, shipping & insurance within the continental United States. For Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and international areas outside the continental United States please phone for shipping cost.
World Fax 866.433.8816 Skype: p.o.oshields.jones
en plein air,
pacific islands,
Phyllis O'Shields,
Monday, July 4, 2011
Phyllis O'Shields Newsletter featuring the Bahamas
contemporary impressionism,
Phyllis O'Shields,
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